🚸 Roadmap to Becoming a MERN Stack Developer

đź“ŤWhat is a MERN Stack Developer?**

A MERN Stack Developer specializes in building web applications using MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. This stack allows developers to create full-fledged applications using JavaScript for both the client and server sides.

⚙️ Roadmap:

1. HTML: Start with the basics of web development by learning HTML, the standard markup language for creating web pages.

2. CSS: Enhance your web pages with CSS to add styling, layouts, and responsive designs.

3. JavaScript​: Master JavaScript to add interactivity and dynamic features to your web applications.

4. React.js: Dive into React.js, a powerful library for building user interfaces, to create dynamic and responsive front-end applications.

â­• Now You have become a Front-End developer. Lets dive into the next step!

5. Node.js: Learn Node.js to handle server-side operations and build scalable network applications.

6. Express.js: Use Express.js, a web application framework for Node.js, to simplify and manage your server-side logic and APIs.

7. MongoDB: Implement MongoDB, a NoSQL database, to manage your application’s data and integrate it with your backend.

By following this roadmap, you’ll gain the skills needed to become a proficient MERN Stack Developer, capable of building complete web applications from scratch.

Stay consistent, keep learning, and happy coding!

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